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- <>
- @5{JOKES
- @4}by A.F.C.S
- @1
- Due to the massive response by girls
- sending letters to Big Chief zYLAX`s
- address asking for my telephone number
- I have changed my name. Just to be
- original I have called myself - ARTIST
- @3
- [Yeah, thanx m8 for handling all my
- phone calls. I had to deal with the,
- let's say, PHYSICAL side. (So that's
- why I always feel so FUCKIN'
- SHAGGED!!!!) zYLAX!]
- @1
- (You may have wondered why I put the
- Big Chief zYLAX. The reason is that
- he sometimes takes the best bits out
- of my articles. So I thought if I put
- such a nice compliment in then he
- won`t.)
- @3
- [Just to set the record straight.
- I`ve only deleted a section of ONE of
- your articles, and that's coz it was
- about a member of my FAMILY!!!!
- zYLAX!]
- @6 -+-@1
- If anybody reads the People Newspaper
- on a Sunday, then they would see the
- article where they get a famous star
- to tell us what she has in her
- shopping trolley.
- This one particular actress spent ONE
- BLOODY HELL! How much food!
- Then to finish it all there is a
- Psychologist trying to tell us what
- she is like by the food she eats.
- @3[Fat?!?! zYLAX!]@1
- Is it just me or are papers getting
- really desperate for news. If you
- want my opinion read a disk mag!
- @7
- ******************************
- @4
- 25 Cromwell Street
- (01452) 331228
- FREE Estimates!!!
- If you want the best-
- try Fred West!
- Make no bones about it, we put
- body and soul into every job.
- Wife and Kids under your feet?
- Try a Fred West special extension!
- We knock the competition dead!
- Always a skeleton staff at weekends.
- Don't have grave doubts -
- most of Freds family
- have been into patios,
- bathrooms and fireplaces
- for years.
- Call round and see us, we guarantee
- you won't go anywhere else.
- Lie back and take it easy-
- Let Fred West provide the cover!
- @7
- ******************************
- @5
- Woman: Doctor, can you help me
- get bigger breasts?
- Doctor: Sure. Just get some
- toilet tissue and gently
- rub it on your breasts.
- Woman: Are you sure this will
- work?
- Doctor: Well it's done wonders
- for your arse!
- @7
- ******************************
- @3
- My best mate slept with a pakky last
- night. You know, the ones with the
- dot on their forehead. Lucky bastard
- scratched the fucking dot off and won
- a bloody car!!!
- @1
- (Regards to a Mr Roy
- Chubby Brown for that joke.)
- @7
- ******************************
- @1
- I would just like to show you a couple
- of sayings on two posters from the
- tearoom notice board of where I work:
- @2
- I thought I saw the light
- at the end of the tunnel.
- But it was just some bastard with
- a torch bringing me more work.
- Another month ends.
- All targets met,
- All customers satisfied,
- All staff eager and enthusiastic,
- All pigs fed and ready to fly!
- @6
- -+-
- @1
- If you don't like my articles then
- don't bloody read them! But if yer do
- then you know where to find me - in
- P.S. If you would like a copy of the
- above two posters then send a stamped,
- addressed envelope to zYLAX.